Saturday, July 5, 2008

What I have realized... that if I plan my work outs for in the morning there is a much better chance that it will happen.
I have struggled this summer on consistency and as I was day dreaming today I realized it was because of my lack of routine. My plan to work out "sometime" during the day is not working. I must have a plan...a routine! When the kids were in school. I woke up, saw them off to school and worked out. When they are in school I am up by 6 ish but now that is summer and we are all up later so I we've been sleeping in until 7 - 7:30.(not John, he's almost always up between 4-5) So my plan is to try and get to bed a little earlier and start getting up around 6 on my days off and get my workout done. Having said, there will be no procrastinations, no cancellations cause I'm exhausted or have too much to do, and no interruptions because hopefully the kids will stay asleep.
Good goals, I am hoping to fit into last years summers clothes before this summer is up.
Have a great weekend! ~Kim

1 comment:

Country Girl said...

Your welcome friend! ~Kim